
For you
Someone who has everything in the world
Beauty, smart and love,..

Untuk menjadi pijar,..
Biarlah sekelilingmu gulita,..
Lalu bila engkau berdiri,..
Tegar sampai hari ini,..
Semua karena engkau sanggup,..
Melewati terjalnya sisi hati,..
Dan gelapnya trotoar nurani,..
Sejak menjadi manusia bodoh,..
Lalu menyadari simpul hati,..
Nyanyian lara dan penantian,..
Bergema dari bebatuan rindu,..
Ah cinta,.. benar benar cinta,..
Tetap tak ada keajaiban,..
Aku bercerminkan engkau,..
Tegar dan kuat melewati ini semua,..
Thx to teach me this thing :)

I'm sorry that I fool, it's something I must live with everyday, and all the love I put you through, i wish that I could take it all away, but I'm not the one who catches your care, thats why I need your invitation n statement to believe, I'm not a perfect person, I never meant to do those things to you, and so I hate to say before I go, that I just want you to know, I've found a reason for me, to change who I used to be, a reason to start over new, and the reason is you, I've found a reason to show a side of me you didn't know, a reason for all that I do, and that reason is you. But I know, everything is over from now.
[kipastank :P]

You,.. you who have everything in your life. Yang tegar ya! Bahwasanya semua ini adalah proses untuk menjadi lebih baik dan berpikir lebih bijak. Bila dia bisa melompat selangkah lebih maju .. maka you harus bisa melompat lebih tinggi hehehe. So7 pisaaan dah. Well bola buled, today is present kan? Yawdah, besok entuh mistery, only God knows lah xixixixi. Wassalam,


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